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ROMANIA Galleries
No, sorry, we do NOT have pictures of his majesty, Count Dracula, the wildest beast of all. Although a single cracking sound in the undergrowth after nightfall was enough to give our photographer Cornelia Doerr the shivers, she reports.

The myth, that subtle state of fear conveyed through the novel of Bram Stoker is almost graspable in the mountains of the Piatra Craiului, in the heart of Transylvania. In Cornelia's case the noise came from one of Romania’s many brown bears inhabiting the dense forests. The country being one of the strongholds for its population in Eastern Europe.

If you are thinking about a less fearful but still exciting holiday destination, take a look at the Danube Delta. With an incredible surface of more than 4.000 km2 close to the Black Sea, with 274 recorded bird species, 176 of which are breeding, numerous mammals, reptiles, amphibians and large numbers of fish, the Delta is one of the Top 10 nature destinations in Europe.

Dozens of tour operators in the country and from all over Europe guide you and your family right into the heart of this fascinating water universe, the jungle of reeds and marshes – on foot, on horseback or by boat. You will be thrilled