In the spirit of European Values
Promoting with consistency the creative
contribution of young generation
On the occasion of
In this world, in which mediocrity
And the selfishness become more and more overwhelming
Award today, on the 24th of October 2002,
At the Forum for New Europe
(2nd international Edition)
The Excellency Diploma
the year 2002
to the following personalities who have been investigated and discovered new possibilities of development and have created new targets for the moral ,material and spiritual progress of mankind through work, professionalism, talent, and self devotion ,becoming:
Mrs. Harriet Mayor Fulbright,
chairman, ICAF, Washington, DC
for the contribution of great value in the activity of saving and
promoting the rights of the child in the whole world, through education and art
stimulation, completing the great work of her famous husband concerning the
defense of man’s rights in Central and Eastern Europe.
dr. eng. Andrei Constantin, General
Manager of the Institute of Chemistry Technology, Brazi (ICTB)
for the developing a new product and a new method of treating the
psoriasis, unique in the whole world
dr. Abraham Peled (USA),
scientist of Romanian origin, President- General Manager of NDS Company,
affiliated to the News Corp. Concern and to the magnate Rupert Murdoch
for the important contribution in the development of software in
pre- pay TV system and for the performance to become, this way, the partner of
the biggest media companies in the world
dr. Traian Chirila
(Australia), “the Romanian who gives back the seeing”, the scientist who gives
a new hope to the 10 millions of people who suffer of blindness in the whole
for inventing the artificial cornea
Cristian Nechita (USA), the naturist and
bone doctor, a blind person, of Romanian origin, who have lost his seeing, looking
for new methods of treatment in India and Tibet for the good of people
for major contributions in finding new methods of diagnosis and
treatment through touching, great personalities like Hillary Clinton, Marta
Steward, Charles Biers, businessmen, artists, famous football players
benefiting these treatments
for self devotion and sacrifice given to young people
prof. dr. Louis J. D’Amore
(USA), President of the International Instititute Peace through Tourism
for setting up the first Institute in world that wants to promote
peace through tourism, wanting “Peace and Understanding Network”, a bridge of
flowers built over countries and time
prof. dr. Benito Melchionna
(Italy), excellent jurist, attorney in Crema town, member of Promoter Committee
of UNO Court for environment
for the book “Ambiente e Mercato .Un futuro sostenibile” that had a
great international echo offering juridical solutions concerning the relation
between market, environment and development, in a world in which environment
knows a permanent degradation. The Romanian version will be published in 2003
by our Foundation Publishing House
Valentin Bucur from Predeal, a talented
man who creates miniatures, an excellent example for the young generation
for his faith in the Christian values and his ambition to create
with talent and tenacity a work that, after his sayings, “will revolt the
mankind”, surpassing the performances of Chinese handicraftsmen.
prof. Ovidiu Dan Chirila,
Manager of Philharmonic Orchestra from Brasov, on the occasion of 125 years of
existence of this cultural institution
for the excellent management, professionalism and endeavor to
maintain Philharmonic Orchestra’s prestige and fame, that is
considered one of the best in Europe.
Tourism Minister, Dan Matei
for his work of promotion and his ambition to rebuild the Romanian
tourism prestige and in the whole world, resorting to the youth elixir
symbolized by Dracula.
for the year 2002
the following young people in the Competition
proved that they belong to the new generation giving evidence of perseverance,
capacity of invent, creativity and self-devotion, becoming:
Radu Stefan, 3rd year student at the Computer Science Faculty,
awarded with Silver Medal at the International Competition of Computer Science
in Beijing, China
Ghita Ioana Luiza, 11 years old, painting, the work:” Planetary Balance”
David Bianca Alexandra, 12 years old, painting, the work:” Survival through myth”
Henter Agnes, 11 years old, painting, the work:” Brasov-Romania.Eternal Symbols”
Buca Ioana, 12 years old, painting, the work:” Dream Orchestra”
Coman Miruna, 12 years old, painting, the work:” Nature and Language”
Matei Robert, 11 years old, painting, the work:” Hey, man! I think
you know what are you doing!”
Ovidiu Pârjol, piano
Alexandra Fit, piano
Mirela Mariana Balint, Programme Manager, “Euro-Asia” Foundation
- for the creative activity and for making evident the new areas of knowledge through art and culture
- for assimilating the values of Informational
Technology (IT) in a permanent changing world.