The European Literature Circle was opened on 9 May 2000 as a forum for
discussion, creation and initiative (Forum for New Europe), concerning the
present and the future of our continent. This international forum is opened to
all the young people of Europe and of all over the world who want to
participate and contribute to the building of a new Europe and a better world.
Our first creation is called "The Magic Pencil".
Every night, at 12 o'clock GMT, a magic pencil starts on-line from Greenwich
and stops somewhere in a town in Europe, west, east, north or south. This magic
pencil is going to 'write', in each of these stops, a (fairy) tale. On Tuesday,
9 May 2000, the magic pencil stopped in Brasov, Romania; you can read below the
tale written by Vlad Parau, a 13 years-old young boy. We invite you to take
part in our Creation Contest (literature, painting, music, etc.) Euro-Asia
Publishing and Impresario House will edit the best works in a book, at the end
of the contest, twice a year. The winner will gain a week free trip in Romania.
We have
the honour to inform you that, during 23 – 25 October 2001, the festivities of
the “Forum for New Europe” took place in Brasov, the first international
edition of the European Literature Circle Forum, the first Literary Circle on
Internet, an edition supported by the great Romanian pianist, funding member of
the Circle, Mihaela Ursuleasa.
Awards Festivity of this first edition took place within the Army Hall, here in
Brasov, Wednesday, the 24th of October, and it was followed by an
Extraordinary Recital performed by the pianist, Mihaela Ursuleasa.
The festivities were also attended to by Mr. Adrian Rattenbury,
President of the “Junior Proms” Association in Barnsley, England, and by the
“Chitta Chatta” music group; they are the English partners of the European
Circle, and were awarded Excellence and Competence Diplomas.
The direct beneficiaries of the project are participating
organizations and their stakeholders including recipient of their services. The
representatives included those who work strategically and also at delivery
level with young people, NGOs (creative and learning institutions) and
industries (large corporations, small and medium enterprises). These direct
beneficiaries will become strong advocates for the project. They have an
important cultural and educative role within their organizations and as was
externally through their local, regional, national and European network.
Follow-up – Long Term Strategy
*In order for the proposed New Europe Forum to be successful,
action has been taken to extend the membership in a wider and more
representative range of transactional partners.
*Time and effort needs to be assigned to identify and develop these new partnership links including trans-national visits to the agencies concerned and potentially using videoconference links.
*There is also a need to devote resources to the long-term
maintenance of these partnership links in order to ensure the continuous
evolution of the New Europe Forum.
is clear that the New Europe Forum will require a management and co-ordination
structure, with a specific secretariat.
would include the establishment of agreed terms of reference for membership,
clarifying mutual objectives.
could also include the development of an agreed trans-national collaboration
document, duly signed by the relevant heads of the partner organizations
concerned in which a commitment is made to a shared vision and ongoing
collaborative links and transfer of experience and priorities for development.
will be important to ensure that commitment is made at a high level in the
partner organizations concerned i.e. at chief executive level or at member
level if there is a political structure, as well as relationships established
between relevant staff. This is vital to ensure ongoing sustainability and to
ensure resource commitment to the network.
*To ensure the sustainability of this new Forum and support these
development and management costs, as well as to give an important focus for the
collaborative activity between the partners at least one EU program bid needs
to be developed during 2002.
objectives to include the following:
of target group –
partnerships Two levels of trans-national partnership were identified. The
first is knowledge base platform (monitoring and evaluating good practice) and
the second is production.
and impacts of best practice
The project begun with a research study to identify the
organizations with similar value and goals to forge alliances and develop this
intercultural project. The funding of the research led to the first Edition –
Contest of the Forum for New Europe (October 23 – 25, 2001, Brasov – Romania)
with the representatives of UK. The three-day Forum – Contest presented to
Romanian and Foreign participants ( 30 persons) the opportunity to play and
listen music Concert, to lunch exhibitions of painting and graphic arts, to
exchange ideas of the best practice in the respective and varied areas of work
and explore trans – national partnership opportunities through intercultural
The key features of the work of this trans - national group are:
young people, creativity, cultural diversity, new technologies, social
The Vision of the Organization is to make Europe a more inclusive continent of opportunities for all.
The outcome of the Forum was the commitment to develop a trans –
national partnership network of NGOs and learning institutions with sheared
values and goals.
Achievement of the Project:
TV and Radio networks and newspapers from Brasov and Capital city, Bucharest, described the atmosphere
of our Forum:
An agreed communication, marketing strategy and central ELC
platform needs to be established in order to promote the Forum, invite new
members, promote collaboration for new EU projects and disseminate best
practice. This would take the form of an interactive website as well as printed
promotional material. Purpose of the website, Marketing tool :
Communicate values and goals, recruit new members, advocate best
practice, European talent and knowledge bank, showcase new talent and product,
search engine for new talent, partner organizations, debate/chat room
Following the first successful meeting, a monitoring and evaluation
strategy is being developed. The first Forum was documented a writing and
circulated to participants for action. Lessons learned are used to improve the
effectiveness in the organization and delivery of the Second meeting will be
evaluated in terms of preparation and contents of the agenda. The involvement
of additional staff from the host organization has been used a measure of
success in engaging others. There was a total of 2o EAPCF staff involved in the
first Contest – Forum and 5 staff from Junior Proms.
An industry professional webmaster will be invited to monitor and
evaluate the research, design and production of website. All the participating
organizations will be requested to involve a young person in the monitoring and
evaluation of the project. The seminar will be documented in print, editing a
book and CD (subject to funding) and circulated.
At present due to limited resources the documentation will be
produced in two languages, English and Romanian.
1) The name of the organization shall be: "Junior Proms".
2) The organization's aims shall be: To organize and promote
musical opportunities for all children
irrespective of social or ethnic background, ability or disability charities.
Contact person:
Adrian Rattenbury
President Junior Proms
P.O. Box, Barnsley – South Yorkshire S753YW – UK
Tel: 0870/7445089; Fax: 0870/7445091