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Global Village
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Saturday, 20 January 2007
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Global Village

Hi, I'm Roxana. Nothing spectacular happened in my life until I met the Mad cow. Hi, Mad cow. Everybody, look at her, Mad cow is a funny, common little cow. She could always be mistaken for a strange girl or a funny old-lady from Yorkshire, or from anywhere in the world. What seemed extraordinary, though, was "Mad"'s desire to speak to me. One eveninig, while I was sipping my hot tea in the living room, she transported herself in the room and sat down on the precious carpet brought, with great difficulty, all the way from China. Look at her. Round, moisty eyes,velvety and peaceful muzzle, daring and sharp horns, powerful hoofs and a defying energetical tail.Being obviously surprised, I invited her over for a cup of tea. After she elegantly took a sip from the tea cup, she addressed me.

I know all abot you. I know you founded the First on line European Literature Circle. I know you are a pasionate mountain climber and a cave-explorer. But I also know that you are looking for a moderator for the dialogue between the Literary Circle and the World. Here I am. I am your moderator.

I was shocked at the beginning. It was everythink true. I had been looking for a properly character to host the dialogues of the Literary Circle with the world. But how come the Mad cow knew all about it?... And, was the Mad cow capable of assuming this part? These were questions for which I wasn't able to find answers yet... But, cow, I murmured, everybody knows you're mad. You've terrified peoples, you've frightened governments and you have the nerve to come to me, to the quiet home of the girl from the Carpathians, in a country that wants to be addmited into NATO and that closed the borders for the mad cows. After you fraudulenty entered Romania, you have the nerve to ask for a job, I angrily replied. Shouldn't you address the European Comission?... You're right and wrong at the same time, my dear, my new friend answered. Look at the people around us. In full third Millennium, they are destroyng nature, polluting, prolifereating the underground, encouraging corruption, genetic experiences and embezzlement, crime and drugs, the slow destruction of the Planet. I am their Creation. And, perhaps I am more human and less mad than them... Then why shouldn't I get the job?

The discussion with Mad cow left me a great dilemma.Should I go on with with column announced in the title?. Should we host the cow's dialogues with the world. Should we listen to her hints, put up with her sharp horns? Since it was on the Internet where I saw the add for a Contest of presenting Heroes, I decided to ask to the Mad cow to become my Hero and to Internet surfers to make public their opinions about this subject.Mad cow, who has become my Hero and the Hero of this story, will be waiting for yours impression and questions. Think about it. Mad cow could become colourful sight in the monotonous life of the old European Continent. There is a certain danger, though. Mad cow could leave her good manners outside the borders, stepping in our lives with her hoofs .

Posted by ponteuxin at 8:52 AM EET
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